Sunday, December 28, 2008


Hello Friends,

A great collection of presentations prepared by the electronics students including the prize winning presentation on Biometrics by Anmol and Migmar have been uploaded on the undermentioned link......


its a request that all our group members should send their presentations too for uploading on the same link for reference and comments to my e-mail id link given below.....

Reena Sharma
E-mail ID:

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Another Prize for Us.......

Hello Friends,

I guess this year is fully loaded with achievements, achievements and more achievements....we had not been able to come out of the happiness and celebrations for VI MANTRA 2008 that another PRIZE came in to our arms......The Prize this time is for a 10 minutes paper presentation in a contest called......

Inter- College Paper Presentation Competition
Held on 13th December 2008
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, University of Delhi.

The event had participation from a lot of colleges in Delhi University and people had great topics to present. The event also included great participation from our own college in the field of electronics. 5 different papers were selected for participation after final scrutiny among the entries from the electronics department in ANDC.....The event also had two other categories....Physics and Computer Science.....both categories involved overwhelming participation from ANDC as well as other colleges....

The great news is that in the category of Physics and Electronics....ANDC beat all the other participants and stood first among the others thus winning a cash prize of 1000/- each apart from the certificate of prize.

Our heroes from Electronics are ANMOL BAGGA and MIGMAR DOLMA.....from B.Sc.(H) Electronics-III.........Both of them as a team made a presentation on BIOMETRICS. However, the topic was presented by ANMOL BAGGA which fetched us the first prize.......

3 Cheers for ANMOL and MIGMAR........Hip Hip Hurray!!! Hip Hip Hurray!!! Hip Hip Hurray!!!

Well done guys....keep rocking........ELECTRONICS ANDC ROCKS!!!!!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Great News!!!!!!!!

Acharya Narendra Dev College is proud of our students and teachers of Electronics who have won the third prize at the very prestigious National Instrument's paper contest VI Mantra 2008 in the student category.

The work reported in the paper 'Study of Hall Effect using LABVIEW' emanates from the project done with our B.Sc. (H) Electronics-IIIrd year students - Anshul Vinay Parmar, Migmar Dolma and Rohit Gambhir - with Dr. Amit Garg, Ms. Reena Sharma and Mr. Vishal Dhingra in the Department of Electronics. It was a tough competition where 107 entries were shortlisted in the student category from submissions received from about 800 reputed Engineering colleges in India. We then went on to win the third prize which is an accomplishment since we were competing with best engineering colleges in the country.

The students were taken to Bangalore and provided accommodation in a five star hotel to attend the Prize distribution ceremony on NI Educators Day 2008 in Bangalore by the organisers. Besides, the students will get a chance to present this paper to Industry Experts at the 7th National Conference on Virtual Instrumentation in Engineering Education 2008 to be held in New Delhi. As part of the prize, we have also received the Student Version of LabVIEW and certificates from National Instruments to all the authors. They have also won 1000 USD from National Instruments for Lab up-gradation. We can proudly announce that its only the second time in 6 years that any team from North India has won any prize at this prestigious event. The earlier winner from this region was in 2002 and he is now working with National Instruments.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Congratulations & Celebrations!!!!!

Hello Friends,

This is celebration time for all us..........our friends have made us feel so so proud of them.....four of us, namely Ankit Dwivedi, Divya Bisht, Nazim Ali and Nidhi Saxena, Electronics-III were selected to give a poster presentation at a national conference MATEIT 2008, Second National Conference on Mathematical Techniques: Emerging Paradigms for Electronics and IT Industries. They presented their paper with the name of "Understanding L-I Characteristics of Light-Emitting Diodes and Laser Diodes". They got a very overwhelming response at the conference and their poster was considered among the best of all the posters displayed in the conference. The poster will soon be now put to display in the Electronics Lab for visitors. Three cheers for all of them.....Hip Hip Hurray...Hip Hip Hurray....HIP HIP HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!

Hey friends, do not stop your cheers right away, there is more news coming ahead.....a contest was organised by National Instruments in India by the name of VI Mantra 2008. Entries were invited from over 850 colleges in India and 50 were selected for publication. I proudly announce that three of us, Anshul Vinay Parmar, Rohit Gambhir and Migmar Dolma, Electronics-III submitted an entry to the contest which has now been selected among the best 50. Great going friends.....They are currently working on the development of the VI and its full paper to be sent by 25th Oct 2008 to National Instruments for publication......For those of you who are unaware of what a Vi is, it might be thought of as a software based data acquisition program which when interfaced with the external set up can be used for performing experiments and their analysis in the laboratory. We are eagerly awaiting the release of the VI which will then be used for experimentation by the Electronics-I students to study the Hall Effect.

We should now be looking forward to some more glory to the department as the second year students have tied up their belts and are working on some extremely interesting research based projects. All the best to all of them.

Keep blogging and visiting the blog for more of great news and please please do share your technical knowledge and experiences with all of us.....

Have a great time ahead....

Reena Sharma

Monday, May 26, 2008

Hello Friends,

Its been a long long time since we people gathered on the blog....hope everybodys doing well at their own places....enjoying the rest after exams and the cool shower weather is offering these days....

Do share your views and ideas regarding the plans for vacations and how we can keep up in touch during this creative and think of options not only to enjoy but also to widen our technical knowledge in creative and playful way....

Keep enjoying and happy blogging!!

Reena Sharma

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Hello Friends,

Seeing the great overwhelming response to the previous topics on the blog, i would now request you to suggest some topics of your own choice.....please come forward and suggest any technical topic of your choice....

Reena Sharma

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Another Query

When two batteries of different magnitudes are connected in parallel, then what will be the potential measured by a multimeter across the two batteries??

The First Question

Hello Friends,

I guess nobody's very much interested in a bigger topic like Cell let us start with something very basic....
A question for all of you.....

If the doping density is increased on either p or n or both sides of a p-n junction diode, what is the effect on its barrier potential?? Does it increase or decrease and why so?

Hoping for early replies to the answer....hurry up be the first one to answer,so that we know the genius among us....

All the best....Happy Blogging

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Hello Friends,
Please ensure the following rules are followed before you blog....
  1. Post all the material taken from specific links in form of the link itself rather than copying and pasting the entire material in the blog.
  2. Attach all the image and video files needed for explanation with relevant names in the blog.
  3. Do not use somebody else's alias when posting.
  4. Do not flood the comments with large posts, especially unrelated material.
  5. Do not use the site to continue arguments with other users from thread to thread.
  6. Do not post entries that are abusive, offensive, contain profane or racist material, or resort to attacking other users.
  7. Avoid posting any sexual or pornographic material.
  8. Try to respect others who may have differing opinions, posts which are purely abusive will be removed.
  9. Duplicate Blog entries will be removed.

Users who continue to ignore these rules, or who are found to post only with the intention of antagonizing other users, will be temporarily (or permanently) banned. If you have had your access blocked and would like clarification as to why please contact a team member. Please be respectful to the team members of this site and listen to any warnings they might offer, if you take issue with their warnings then contact them privately.

Cell Phones

Hello Friends,
The very first topic that i am initiating with is the CellPhone Technology as this is something that we all carry in our pockets but have never really wondered how it works....what i am aiming to share with this post is
  • What is Cell Phone Technolgy?
  • How does a Cell Phone Work?
  • Basic Circuitry needed for a simple Cell Phone to work?
  • Type of Communication Mode Used by Cell Phones.
  • Any other technical point that you would like to share.

If i have missed any points....please do include them and we would be glad to have all the information.

Happy Blogging!!!

Reena Sharma

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Welcome Friends

Hello Friends,

This blog is a small initiative towards discussing and sharing our views on different aspects of electronics. The field of electronics is undergoing a lot of advancement and research in todays time and i personally feel we have a long way to carry up to come in pace with the growing technology. Hence, this is a tiny effort which could help us understand and share up various aspects of electronics using the knowledge that each one of us holds. I hope this initiative is a success by the help of all of you.

Hoping for the best.

Reena Sharma