Saturday, January 12, 2008

Welcome Friends

Hello Friends,

This blog is a small initiative towards discussing and sharing our views on different aspects of electronics. The field of electronics is undergoing a lot of advancement and research in todays time and i personally feel we have a long way to carry up to come in pace with the growing technology. Hence, this is a tiny effort which could help us understand and share up various aspects of electronics using the knowledge that each one of us holds. I hope this initiative is a success by the help of all of you.

Hoping for the best.

Reena Sharma


Louis_rocks said...

hi its tremendous effort to have forum of this where one can learn so much and gain some tech knowledge,looking forward to it.

Unknown said...

lovely to see such a platform where one can share their side of knowledge to the budding itians of the next generation and also give them oppurtunity to share rich experiences.Thanks Reena mam for the initiative!!!

Unknown said...

I have lot of intrest in making hobby projects..
To learn more about the cicuits that how they operate and how can i make them myself,please tell me from where i should start?

i am waiting for your comments...:)

Unknown said...

Is there same power consumption by a transformer in a power suppy wnen load is not conected through its output....?
means if a power suppy is on then whenever we use its output supply or not,power is waste?

Unknown said...

As light is Beam of rays,then when light is popagated in the medium,having both elecctric and magnetic field variation then is there any interaction between adjesent ray of light?
if yes or no then why?

Avdesh kumar singh said...

Hey dharmendar, m nt sure bt, i think the power consumtion will be zero when power supply vl b nt in use...
bcoz, the circuit of the power supply vl b open circuited when there wont b some circuit at the output of the, current drawn through the output of the supply vl b zero and hence power dissipated vl b zero....

Reena said...

Hello Dharmendra and Avdesh.....nice question and nice try to answer some extent avdesh is right....actually what happens is the power on switch of normally all devices that you use basically help in switching on the circuitry of the device at the output of the transformer used at the very beginning....and why this transformer is used is very obvious because....obviously u cant imagine all ur electronic devices to be working on 220 Volts....then they will no longer remain electronic right....they will move to the category of electrical.....the 220 V supply is reduced to much smaller value using this transformer.....this small ac voltage is then converted to a dc supply using ur rectifier circuit....but before this rectifier or sometimes after this ur power on switch is when the power switch is not on.....transformer is open at the secondary and doesnt really supply any current to the circuit ahead....however, there is some minimum amount of power dissipation that is due to the current flowing in the primary of the transformer....the current is also very small bcz it is only the magnetising current for the it can be said that truly power dissipation is not actually zero....but is definitely much less than that with the switch on.....for further study and reference you can refer the book on electrical technology vol. 2 by b.l. theraja....the chapter on transformers....else contact me....
happy blogging.....keep posting....good to see an active participation from u guys....

Avdesh kumar singh said...

thanx...mam... for such a nice explanation..... :)

komal said...

lets keep it going u all!