Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Congratulations & Celebrations!!!!!

Hello Friends,

This is celebration time for all us..........our friends have made us feel so so proud of them.....four of us, namely Ankit Dwivedi, Divya Bisht, Nazim Ali and Nidhi Saxena, Electronics-III were selected to give a poster presentation at a national conference MATEIT 2008, Second National Conference on Mathematical Techniques: Emerging Paradigms for Electronics and IT Industries. They presented their paper with the name of "Understanding L-I Characteristics of Light-Emitting Diodes and Laser Diodes". They got a very overwhelming response at the conference and their poster was considered among the best of all the posters displayed in the conference. The poster will soon be now put to display in the Electronics Lab for visitors. Three cheers for all of them.....Hip Hip Hurray...Hip Hip Hurray....HIP HIP HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!

Hey friends, do not stop your cheers right away, there is more news coming ahead.....a contest was organised by National Instruments in India by the name of VI Mantra 2008. Entries were invited from over 850 colleges in India and 50 were selected for publication. I proudly announce that three of us, Anshul Vinay Parmar, Rohit Gambhir and Migmar Dolma, Electronics-III submitted an entry to the contest which has now been selected among the best 50. Great going friends.....They are currently working on the development of the VI and its full paper to be sent by 25th Oct 2008 to National Instruments for publication......For those of you who are unaware of what a Vi is, it might be thought of as a software based data acquisition program which when interfaced with the external set up can be used for performing experiments and their analysis in the laboratory. We are eagerly awaiting the release of the VI which will then be used for experimentation by the Electronics-I students to study the Hall Effect.

We should now be looking forward to some more glory to the department as the second year students have tied up their belts and are working on some extremely interesting research based projects. All the best to all of them.

Keep blogging and visiting the blog for more of great news and please please do share your technical knowledge and experiences with all of us.....

Have a great time ahead....

Reena Sharma


Anmol Bagga said...

funtronics rulz!

Anonymous said...

these achievements are possible only coz of r teachers hard work !!so cheers to electronics faculty..!!n the journals and softwares that were provided to us should be included in the first and second yr syllabus so that students start early..!!il ask my frnds also to keep blogging here..!!!

Anonymous said...

Actually in second year one has some fair knowledge of the subject and can understand the technicalities better for implementation.....that is why the new concepts have been initiated from second year onwards....first year is too raw and hence only simulation softwares like ORCAD are introduced to them...however hobby based circuits from EFY etc will surely be initiated with the first year this time....regarding journals, thanks for the suggestion....will surely consider its possibilities....

Anonymous said...

well.. its so good to see our very own Electronics group is progressing so well and my heartiest congratulations to all those who have made it big.. keep rocking ANDC Electronicsians

Anmol Bagga said...

well we call ourselves "electrons". he he

mssajwan said...

G8 work and outstanding efforts that results into achievements.All credits goes to faculty and ANDCians.Its just a beginning...miles to go.
Best of Luck

Manmohan Singh
Batch 2001