Sunday, January 13, 2008

Cell Phones

Hello Friends,
The very first topic that i am initiating with is the CellPhone Technology as this is something that we all carry in our pockets but have never really wondered how it works....what i am aiming to share with this post is
  • What is Cell Phone Technolgy?
  • How does a Cell Phone Work?
  • Basic Circuitry needed for a simple Cell Phone to work?
  • Type of Communication Mode Used by Cell Phones.
  • Any other technical point that you would like to share.

If i have missed any points....please do include them and we would be glad to have all the information.

Happy Blogging!!!

Reena Sharma


Unknown said...

andc_electronics said...

thanx AV for initiating the subject....glad to see people responding....but may i know the full form of AV??

Anonymous said...

this is anshul..maam i think it would be better if we copy the relevant topics n not the whole that bloggers can read about the technology...

Anonymous said...

thats fine anshul....but the link itself comprises of so many other what i m planning is the links that u people will send i'll compile the relevant material and put up the link to the compiled file or would upload the file for download for the bloggers at the earliest so the data reaches everybody in a compiled form....if any other idea plz suggest....we might also create a google page(mini website) of our own once the data on some various topics have been discussed on the blog....

Anonymous said...

ok look for more data...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Good work anmol.....keep it up....especially the second site offers solution to a lot of commonly asked questions well....i will circulate the new document shortly.....but also suggest some more topics for discussion....

Anonymous said...

Why is a cell phone called a cell phone?

Anonymous said...

hm another good site which tell u the basic behind " cell phones"

Anonymous said...

lets make some walky-talky!!

Anonymous said...

ya sure....thats a great idea....we can work on it in summer holidays....just gather the people who would like to work on it...and start it up right after the exams

Unknown said...

First question Wat are cell phones
well cell phones are called cell phones because they work on cellular concept that is they divide the area into number of overlaping cells to cover the entire coverage area and the size of cell depends upon the number of user in that particular area and the frequency distribution. it generally reduces in urban areas and increases in rural. it also depends upon the power radiated by the BTS (base trasmitter station). first the number of users are dicided to be covered by each cell then the cell is actually designed to cater for 1/10 of the total users taking into account that only 1/10 of users will make call at same time. the cells are further divided into sectors to focus into particular areas and for better management of the frequency.

Anonymous said...

thanx mahua....will u plz be able to mail me ur email id so that i can be sending u the compiled material email id is

Unknown said...

Two type of cellular or mobile technology are used in India GSM and CDMA. both are vast topics basically one uses MF TDMA and the other uses Code division multiple access.
both have its own advantages and disadvantages . Security wise both are almost the same.

Unknown said...

I justwanted to be part of discussion it is nice to see such a initiative and i would love to participate in theese discuusion actually celll phones are such a wide topic it is difficult to post everything or find a link which would answer each of the question

Anonymous said...

yes i do agree but what is important is that we can share atleast the basics here and initialte the details as different topics of discussion in the coming future....i would really appreciate if u could suggest a few more topics for discussion at this platform....

Unknown said...

is it true that CDMa phone can not be used as GSM phone
but in some cases it is being converted from one to the other
Technology wise it is not possible without some hardware modification
can anyone through some light on this subject

Anonymous said...

yes u r right that a CDMA technology will not work on GSM phone and would require additional hardware for it to function properly and that is how the new generation phones with dual mode are working....they are incorporating both the technologies but definitely only one is working at a time....u may switch over by the options in your cellphone from one to another....more on this u can obtain from the compiled matter i have already circulated....u can take it from sudip

Anonymous said...

hm ok what we can do is kee lets make a walky talky as a summer project ok? and it will be a toy(it will have only two buttons speeak or listen or simply stand by) but time to time , what we can do is make more walky talkies and then give address to them or phone numbers to them ( simple ones like 1, 2, 3 ,4 and not 9988776655) and then our juniors can work ( they can increase the range, increase number of walky talkies,etc,etc) . by the way its good to see new cros. they are "champs"). and cheap as well"

Anonymous said...

history of cell phones --->

Anonymous said...

thats a great idea to work on the walky talky....what i think we must do is plan up an action plan how we are gonna move ahead with it and how many people are gonna work on it so that each section may be assigned to everyone working and a project time line may be framed out for summers....give the exams with your very best and then we'll start working on the project at the earliest....